Projects Anything from programming to artwork

Shockwave Game: SPAM

Created for Multimedia Design and Programming Class

Status: Complete

Built on Adobe Director, designed and coded entirely by myself. The algorithms for selecting, deleting, dropping, and shifting pieces were a lot of fun to write, especially in a language that doesn't follow the model of the programming languages I had been accustomed to previously. (Apologies if your computer doesn't have Shockwave Player, but this class is taught with Adobe Director so we were required to build this with Shockwave. Please see the demo instead.)

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D3 Visualization: Wellesley Faculty Undergraduate Degrees

Created for research with Professor Eni Mustafaraj

Status: Ongoing, some edges to smooth out

I created this visualization using the D3.js library by Mike Bostock and a tutorial on D3 chord diagrams by Steven Hall. For the dataset behind the visualization, I scraped data from the Wellesley Faculty Roster using Python and BeautifulSoup and cleaned it up with Google Refine.

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Get Stuff Done (GSD)

Second Place @ WHack

Status: Ongoing, site temporarily down

I was a UI/UX designer and front-end programmer for this project, which was entered in the Rosie @ Wellesley Hackathon "WHack". My tasks included creating and implementing mockups and making adjustments according to user feedback gathered through interviews. I worked as a part of a team of 15 people, half of whom worked on the business side.

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Sam Wu - Portfolio website

Created for CS110 Course

Status: Ongoing, some edges to smooth out

I worked with a partner (Yiwei Qi) and our client Sam Wu to design and implement this website. My tasks included implementing (from scratch) the "Works" page, which presents Sam's musical works as they are stored in a JSON file and then dynamically displays them through a sliding animation. I also implemented the Photo Gallery, which also displays photos from a collection stored as a JSON and open an animated modal window to enlarge the image for easier viewing and to provide more details on the story behind each photo.

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